New research: Eating breakfast before this time helps control blood sugar, reduces cancer risk by 25%

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New research reveals that eating breakfast before this time helps control blood sugar and reduces cancer risk by 25%

Meal timing has a bigger impact on your health than you might think. Eating on time helps control your weight, boosts your immune system, and reduces your risk of serious diseases like diabetes and cancer.

The saying “eat breakfast like a king” is not an exaggeration. Scientists confirm that starting the day with a nutritious breakfast not only provides the body with the energy it needs but also helps to control weight effectively.

blood sugar

Research in Cell Metabolism indicates that breakfast not only provides energy but also has a positive effect on weight loss by balancing hormones. Breakfast helps control appetite, allowing us to maintain a healthy diet and lose weight more easily. Breakfast is therefore an important factor in making weight loss safe and sustainable.

It’s not just the amount of food you eat, but the time you eat breakfast is also important for your health. A large study from the International Journal of Epidemiology, which studied more than 100,000 people, found that those who ate breakfast after 9 a.m. had a 59% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ate it before 8 a.m.

This study suggests that adjusting breakfast time can be an effective way to prevent disease.

Meal times have a huge impact on your health.

As of 2019, there were 463 million people living with diabetes worldwide, and the number is expected to double by 2045. However, most types of type 2 diabetes can be prevented and controlled, as the main causes are modifiable factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and most importantly, mealtimes.

Meal timing not only affects whether you feel full or hungry, but also helps to balance your body’s biological clock, which affects blood sugar and blood lipid control. Research has found that the ability to absorb sugar and insulin sensitivity is highest in the morning, when the beta cells in the pancreas function best. Therefore, breakfast not only provides energy but also helps to control blood sugar better than dinner.

However, breaking mealtime rules, such as eating too late at night, can disrupt the body’s biological clock, increasing the risk of serious diseases such as obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

Eating breakfast early can reduce your risk of diabetes

A study in a sample of 103,312 participants used a 24-hour food diary to analyze meal timing and frequency. Participants were divided into three groups based on breakfast time.

  • Before 8 am: 44.77%
  • Between 8-9 am: 35.78%
  • After 9 am: 19.45%

After 7.3 years of follow-up, 963 people developed type 2 diabetes. The results showed that those who ate breakfast after 9 a.m. had a 62% higher risk of diabetes than those who ate before 8 a.m. In addition, eating dinner after 9 p.m. increased the risk of diabetes by 28% compared to eating before 10 p.m.

Meal frequency and nighttime fasting

Research has shown that eating more frequent meals can reduce your risk of diabetes. People who eat more than five meals a day have a 20% lower risk than those who eat no more than four. However, long-term fasting does not provide a clear benefit. Whether you fast for 12 hours, 12–13 hours, or more than 13 hours, the risk of diabetes is the same. Unless you eat breakfast before 8 a.m., which reduces the risk by 53%.

Eating dinner early can reduce your risk of cancer

A study in the International Journal of Cancer of more than 2,000 people found that:

  • Eating dinner before 9pm reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer by 25%.
  • Leaving at least two hours between dinner and bedtime reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20% and prostate cancer by 26%.


To protect your health, adjust your meal times appropriately. Try to eat breakfast before 8 am and dinner before 9 pm. These changes may seem simple, but they can greatly improve your health and reduce your risk of serious diseases. Start building this good ยูฟ่าเบท habit today for a healthy life.